Opening by Almitra

image of Colorado River, North Canyon

This is similar to a canyon I dreamt of on the eve of day one of our purge. In the dream there was a battle going on inside the canyon. Men on horses, it looked like a light show going on in there. There was no way around, the only way to the other side was through the canyon, through the battle.

No more hunger…well…what I thought was hunger.  I have been drinking an herbal detox tea for the past few days and it has curbed my appetite and helped me with some much needed elimination.  It feels good to feel an authentic hunger twang and answer it with water or fruit or green drink or salad.  The pain I have been dealing with for the past two years has had me emotionally and anxiously eating to the point that I have distorted my natural hunger cues.  Not this week.

This week I feel my pain, my sorrow, all unhealed wounds to the soul, the spirit, the psyche.  I answer it with breath, tears, dance, and song.

This week I no longer feel alone.  I feel Her embracing me, soothing me, moving me, swaying and swinging with me.

I am forever grateful to the women in this challenge for taking on self-healing, healing each other, healing me, through your wise words, laughter, listening, and projection of our whole and complete selves.

I love you like I love all the stars in the cosmos and for as many light years.

image of Grandmother Stone, Hinta Hinyai

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